Following the Master Agreement signed in the autumn of 2021, Amundi-Acba Asset Management and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) engaged in the first cross currency swap transaction on 15th of February, 2022 with an amount of USD 5.74 million.

The 47 billion AMD of assets from the 249 billion AMD of total AUM managed by Amundi-Acba, are the result of professional management.

Amundi-Acba Asset Management and Europian Bank of reconstruction and Development (EBRD) are joining forces to facilitate access to local currency funding and strengthen the local capital market in Armenia.

Amundi-ACBA Asset Management and Armenia’s Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs signed a memorandum of cooperation.

In order to combine the development of education and preservation of the environment, Amundi-ACBA has decided to donate its previous IT stock to the NGO "All For Armenia". This equipment will be installed in the south of Armenia and will welcome children to introduce them to art and new technologies.